How One Personal Can Change Your Life

Sep 02, 2021

My friend Roberta is that person for me.

13 years ago she invited me to come with her for a summer season in Santorini, Greece. It was not an easy decision to make, and truth to be told, I was scared to drop everything for 6 months and go to the ancient land of Greek Gods.

At that time I was 22, I've never really been abroad, apart from a few short business trips to neighboring Latvia and Poland, my English was limited and I had no experience in the hospitality industry. Also, I was one year in building my consultancy business, which was going well - I developed business partnerships, gained traction, media attention and I was earning consistent income. My logic was saying it was not a wise decision to make, but a little voice inside was encouraging me to take this step. 

Before this opportunity presented itself, I secretly dreamed about traveling the world, going on adventures, meeting new people, speaking fluently a few foreign languages, (besides dreaming about creating a virtual company, and one day, finding a secret of happiness.)

Even if I was scared and hesitant to make this big change in my life, I could not deny the fact, that just the idea of living in Greece for 6 months light me up like nothing before. 


So I decided to go. I decided to follow my gut.

I hit the pause button on my business, fully knowing I will need to re-start when I come back to Lithuania. But little did I know, this one summer will change my life. My worldview exploded allowing me to create a new, updated version of my future-self and the life I wanted to create. 


Looking back, that one decision led me to series of amazing experiences:

  • Spending one year on one of the most beautiful islands on the planet - Santorini
  • Living & working 8 months in Ibiza, Spain.
  • Working in the fashion industry in the heart of Florence, Italy for nearly 2 years
  • Becoming a great cook of Neapolitan & South Italian cuisine whilst living in Napoli.  
  • Becoming fluent in English, Italian, and Russian.
  • Creating a beautiful home in London, UK.
  • Going on countless adventures and trips around the world.
  • Experiencing incredible personal growth, adaptability & strength
  • Becoming a co-owner of a business development company
  • Becoming a life coach.

When I think about all of it, it feels like I already lived 10 lifetimes and I am only 34.  

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit Greece again, and of course, meet my friend Roberta. Over the past 12 years, Athens has been her home. She created a beautiful family and life there. We always stayed in touch, but just didn't have the chance to meet in person until that day. 


Have you ever had a moment where you want to pinch yourself to make sure you are not dreaming? 

Well... it was like that, just with an additional spark of magic.

We met at this beautiful roof-top restaurant overlooking Acropolis. As seeing each other in the flesh after 12 years was not surreal enough, we have also seen the full moon rising above the Acropolis. It was magical, really emotional, and I've cried. Head to my Instagram to see some photos from that evening and some photos of us back in 2009. 


I have so much gratitude for this girl. 13 years ago she wanted more for me, she wanted me to see the world. I don't think she could even imagine what kind of impact she will create in my life. Roberta, I am forever grateful to you. 


I believe that we create our own luck, but I also believe the universe will place certain people in our lives, that will act like catalysts leading us to our dreams. 


When you find people who believe in you, who challenge you to step-up-your-game, who see and want more for you, cherish them. Be intentional about who you surround yourself with because it really matters. Take my word for it.


With much love, 


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An entrepreneur, life & business coach, podcast host, life-long learner & true optimist dedicated to helping you create the business & life you love.